The music you're listening is "Fame"

Arianna Rusca (ITA)

Achievements - Musics - Pictures

Name: Arianna Rusca

Birthday: 8th January 1981

Birthplace and Residence: Genova

Club: Rubattino Genova

Coach: Laura Lodi, Tatiana Spilevaia

Arianna Rusca's signature

Arianna is in the national team, and she had joined the Follonica Center. The best using clubs in the group, she's also a splendid individual gymnast: she's complete and appreciable from the point of view of her own style. She's able to combine her precision and fluidity of movements with her natural and witty handling. Maybe she's the most interpretative Italian gymnast. She likes reading and listening to music, and her favourite painting is "Scream" of Edvard Munch.

©Laura Vigna & Roberta Diglio